Tag Archives: Bull by the Horns

“티모시 가이스너는 구제금융 편집장(the bailouter in chief)이었다”

연방예금보험공사(FDIC)의 의장이었던 쉴라 베어가 “Bull by the Horns”란 제목의 책을 냈다. 그는 이 책에서 특히 티모시 가이스너를 “구제금융 편집장(the bailouter in chief)”이었다며 신랄하게 비판했다고 한다. 이 책에 관한 CNBC의 인터뷰에서도 그는 가이스너가 금융회사의 시각으로만 사고했었다고 비난하고 있다. 한 금융감독기관의 책임 있는 자리에 있었으면서도 티모시 가이스너 등의 주류에 의해 의사결정 과정에서 배제되어왔던 시절에 대한 분노가 느껴진다.

“I think [Geithner] viewed the problems through the prism of the large financial institutions, particularly Citigroup, and his worldview was if you help them out of their troubles you’re going to help out the economy. I wanted to impose some market accountability. I wanted bondholders to take losses, I wanted those who had lent money to these institutions, the investors, to share more of the pain and share more of the risk. I think it was just a constant conflict throughout…There was just a philosophic disagreement throughout my tenure.”

“I do know that my voice wasn’t heard as it should, I was not included in as many meetings as I should have been. I was not given any advance warning on our actions.”

“We didn’t help homeowners, we didn’t tackle the way we should have, we didn’t clean up the bank balance sheets. It continues to be a drag on the economy and there remains horrible public cynicism and anger towards Washington and toward large financial institution. There’s this perception that the game is rigged, everybody in Washington is captive, and it was all created by the bailout. It still makes me angry.”